The #1 Christmas Tree on the West Coast



Look of branches: Layered and flat.

Length Of Needles: Just over an inch.

Fragrance: Moderate

Branch Strength: Strong

Needle Retention: Excellent

Color: Green with a blueish tint at the base of the needles.


  • 4'-5' Noble Fir - $99.95
  • 5'-6' Noble Fir - $119.95
  • 6'-7' Noble Fir - $139.95
  • 7'-8' Noble Fir - $164.95
  • 8'-9' Noble Fir - $189.95
  • 9'-10' Noble Fir - $214.95
  • 10'-11' Noble Fir - $244.95
  • 11'-12' Noble Fir - $279.95
  • 12'-15' Noble Fir - Please call for market price. Prices on these special order trees fluctuate depending on supply.